I've been called 'scary' again.
...This feels amazing... (Heavy sarcasm)
Just because my eye liner is thick.
Just because i like wearing tutus.
Just because my hair is blue-ish.
Because of all that, they judge.
I have a few friends that support me.
But, also quite a few who don't.
I probably shouldn't even call them friends.
I guess this is what i get for trying to be nice to people
They tell me to stop it, and to go back.
But, i don't want to go back.
Why try and change me?
I like the way i look these days.
But, No.
They yell at me, telling me i'm a freak.
I'm a freak because i'm nice to the out casts?
I'm a freak because i draw sad people?
Everyone has there 'off' days, and mine happen more often.
Thanks for reading
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